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Coming to Parc Astérix in a group

Coming to Parc Astérix in a group

Full steam ahead for a day of adventures, laughter and hijinks together. Because that old saying “the more the merrier” is truer than ever in Gaul!

Come with your family or friends

Full steam ahead for a day of adventures, laughter and hijinks together. Because that old saying “the more the merrier” is truer than ever in Gaul!

Step this way!

School groups and works councils

School groups and work councils have their own website ! For more informations clic on the button below

Step this way!

Conferences and seminars

Whether they’re held at the Hôtel*** des Trois Hiboux or inside Parc Astérix, our team of trained professionals will ensure that your lunches, dinners and seminars are a success.
Find out more at here!

CE, Professionnels du Tourisme, revendeurs

Nos commerciaux se tiennent à votre disposition pour tous vos projets : billetterie, sorties en groupe, séjours, arbres de Noël, privatisations.

Contactez-nous au 03 44 62 30 70 ou par mail :