(1) Not including the special evenings on 28, 29, 30 and 31 October 2020. Exclusive rate for these four dates: 50% reduction Nocturne Ticket.(2) Some catering facilities and shops may be closed on certain days.(3) Reduction applicable within the limit of 4 persons accompanying the holder of the pass on the day of his visit.(4) Excluding collectors, discount prices, food, editions, offers and promotions.(5) 40% off room-only bookings. This offer is valid throughout the 2020 season except on Saturdays, public holidays and 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th october 2020. Reservation required at +33(0)9 86 86 86 87 (free call) specifying your Pass number and your name. These offers are subject to room availability.(6) 50% discount on the entrance ticket on presentation of the Pass Saison Gaulois 2020 : France Miniature and Grévin Paris according to the opening schedule of the sites.(7) Rate valid from Monday to Friday. The child carrying the Season Pass must be present at the time of ticket purchase at € 25. An ID document justifying the age of the friend (child) will be requested.(8) Valid only at the Transdev counter, upon presentation of the valid Season Pass and the holder's identity card. That is 18,40 € / adult and 15,20 € / child from 3 to 11 years included.Shuttle timetable available on www.navettes-parcasterix.com
169 days’ entry with your Pass Saison Gaulois (out of the nights Peur sur le Parc)
Vous pourrez récupérer votre Pass Saison lors de votre première visite en vous rendant dans une des caisses dédiées.
Rendez-vous au Point Pass Saison, à coté de l'Accueil, nos équipes répondront à vos questions.
Il se trouve à coté de l'Accueil du Parc, n'hésitez pas à télécharger l'appli mobile gratuite du Parc Astérix afin de vous orienter plus facilement.
By telephone :
0826 30 10 40
or by email :