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Opening hours and calendar

What's the time, Mr Gaul?


The park is open

JPark openJPeur sur le ParcJPark closedJNoël Gaulois


Parc Astérix is open from 4th April 2020 to 3th January 2021.

The dates on which the park is open are marked in blue. Click to see additional information: opening hours, special events, programme, etc.

A typical day runs from 10am to 6pm, except days with extended opening hours.

From 3th October to 1st November 2020 Parc Astérix will be in sync with “Peur sur le Parc“, thrills, shivers and laughter are guaranteed for all the family!


Halt! Who goes there?
Our exclusive evening openings on 28th, 29th, 30th and 31st October 2020, 7pm to 1am (Halloween) are special events for which you will need to buy a specific ticket. Only visitors holding specific tickets will be permitted to take part in these evenings. For safety reasons, our water attractions will close at nightfall.

To help you plan your visit

Opening hours
and calendar

Opening days and hours, including
evening openings, for the entire season.

Prices and ticket office

Tickets for sale online and prices
for tickets bought at the park entrance.


Pre-order your meal for the day
of your visit and enjoy our tasty meal deals and exclusive online prices.


Your favourites, anytime, anywhere.



Good deals and exciting news: stay up to date with all Parc Astérix's news.